Tip of the Week!

To get some quick xp for Magic, use the low alchemy option on the Explorer's Ring 2. Every day, this provides 930 xp for only 2 minutes of work. Just use it on the bad drops you get from monsters, such as bronze items, or items that you don't want, such as the raw tuna you caught when you're fishing for swordfish. Only use low alchemy option on bad items, for it gives you less money then the item is worth.

Poll Answer!

The answer to last week's poll is level 99. Congratulations to the 77% of you who chose level 99.

The choices were:
Level 100
Level 1,000
Level 99
Level 50

Currently, more people have 99 strength then any other skill.

Here is a player with 99 strength:

Level 99 is the highest level you can reach in a skill without boosts. For example, if you operate a skill cape, your level is boosted to level 100. But this is only temporary, for your level eventually goes back to level 99. The same goes for other types of boosts, such as potions.

Here is someone who has recently operated their skill cape:

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