Tip of the Week!

To get some quick xp for Magic, use the low alchemy option on the Explorer's Ring 2. Every day, this provides 930 xp for only 2 minutes of work. Just use it on the bad drops you get from monsters, such as bronze items, or items that you don't want, such as the raw tuna you caught when you're fishing for swordfish. Only use low alchemy option on bad items, for it gives you less money then the item is worth.

Final Post

I'm sorry to say guys, but this blog is now discontinued due to the fact that my channel on youtube is doing much, much better. The guides on my channel are more informational, and they're are easier to make. Now that I have quit working on this blog (but not making guides) some of the information may be inaccurate and incomplete due to updates by Jagex, but please, make use of the few guides I have created and published on this. By the way, you can access my channel by clicking here. One more thing: I have made comments open to more people so you may now comment more freely on this blog. I will probably not answer your questions on this blog, but I definitely will if you post them on my channel. Ok, well, that's it.

Poll Answer!

The answer to last week's poll is level 99. Congratulations to the 77% of you who chose level 99.

The choices were:
Level 100
Level 1,000
Level 99
Level 50

Currently, more people have 99 strength then any other skill.

Here is a player with 99 strength:

Level 99 is the highest level you can reach in a skill without boosts. For example, if you operate a skill cape, your level is boosted to level 100. But this is only temporary, for your level eventually goes back to level 99. The same goes for other types of boosts, such as potions.

Here is someone who has recently operated their skill cape:

Stronghold of Player Safety Guide

Note: This guide is how to get through the confusing maze of the Stronghold of Security to obtain the rewards, not for training in it.

Edgeville Bank:
This stronghold is much easier then the Stronghold of Security. None of the monsters are aggressive, so you can do this with no food or armour. In fact, so that you don't run out of energy, no armour is recommended. It is known that combat level 3 players do this for the needed money to buy supplies to train a skill, such as buying full iron and maybe a power amulet to jump start their combat skill training. For your information, when I say level 1 of the stronghold, I don't mean that it is the first level. I say level 1 because it is the first level you will enter, although it might actually be the first level of the Stronghold of Player Safety. In conclusion, you don't need to bring anything, except a few inventory spaces so that you can keep the rewards, and all you have to do is follow the routes in the maps that are provided.

Just keep a few spaces in your inventory, and travel from the Edgeville Bank to the entrance of the Stronghold of Player Safety located to the left of the building:

The 1st level:
After you enter, you will find yourself on this level. You might have to complete a small miniquest in order to continue. If you must finish one to enter, talk to the guard first, and he will instruct you on what to do. The miniquest is easy; it doesn't even require leaving the level. To continue into the 2nd level of the stronghold, travel north to the last door on the east.

Just enter the tunnel behind the poster in the farthest right room:

The 2nd level:
After you enter the tunnel, you will find your self in a room filled with muggers(combat level 6). Don't worry, none of them are aggressive. Follow the path that leads to the north east room. When you arrive there, climb up the stairs. Being one of the longer levels, you might need to use the rest option to recharge your run energy.

There are gaps and narrow places in some of the walkways which prevent you from taking the shortest route, so just take the path I made:

The 3rd level:
This is a really easy level; just go east into the room with a couple of cockroach soldiers (combat level 83), pull the old lever, and go back down the stairs you came from. By pulling the old level, you unlock a door. When you pull the lever, make sure not to click on any of the cockroach soldiers, for they would probably get great amounts of damage out of you unless your defense level is really high.

Just follow the route, pull the old lever, then climb back down the stairs in which you came from:

The 4th level:
You have been on this level before, but instead of running a long distance, it will be a short distance this time. When you climb down the stairs, travel over to the jail door and enter it. Because you pulled the old lever, this door is now open.

You need to pull the old lever before you can enter the jail door:

The 5th level:
At last, the final level with the reward. Surprisingly, this level is easy, with nothing difficult in it. Once you pass through the jail door, follow my route to get to your reward. The reward consists of 10k, the "safety first" emote, and the safety gloves. The safety gloves seem to go with the fighting boots you can get at the Stronghold of Security, but unlike the fighting boots, they are not the best equipment nonmembers can obtain. The fighting boots are the best boots for nonmembers, while the safety gloves don't even compare to the charged rune gauntlets.

Follow the route to get to the reward:

Sorry this guide took so long, but at least I finished it. Anyways, I hope this guide helped, more updates and guides are on the way!

Stronghold of Security Guide

Note: This guide is for safely running through the Stronghold of Security to receive the rewards, not for training in it.

West Varrock Bank:
This bank is fairly close to the stronghold, additionally, the G.E. is right above it, so you can buy food and armour before entering the stronghold. If you aren't on a busy world, switch to one. A high Defense level is good to have when running through the Stronghold of Security, but a Defense level of 20 is suitable. A high Prayer level is not necessary, but it will aid you when you travel past high level monsters. Make sure to either have the best armour you can wear, preferably full mithril or higher and/or 20 pieces of food. Tuna is fairly cheap and good food, given that it heals 10 Hitpoints (hp), and the leftover Tuna can be sold back to the G.E. If you are low on funds, you can pick up the raw salmon and trout left by the powerfishers by Barbarian Village. Make sure to have someone cook the fish for you if you cannot cook them yourself. Also, the auto retaliate option should also be off, for auto retaliate is when your character will attack the monster that just attacked you. Most importantly, make sure to have your recovery questions set; these are important because they help you keep your account safe, and if you don't have them set, you will not be able to claim your reward from each level of the Stronghold of Security! So once you have your armour, food, a good Defense level, and your recovery questions set, you are ready to go!

Start in the West Varrock Bank, travel along the path, then climb down into the hole in Barbarian Village:

Vault of War (level 1):
This level is the easiest of the 4 levels because none of the monsters are aggressive. If a monster is aggressive, that means that it will attack you unless you are double its combat level (there are a few exceptions). Really, all you have to do is walk through the level, answering the questions to go through doors. As a reward, you should get 2k and the "Flap" emote.

Start at the number 1, follow the path below to get to the reward, then climb down the ladder at number 4:

Catacomb of Famine (level 2):
Unlike the 1st level, the monsters are all aggressive in the 2nd level. Make sure to have run on, so you can get past the aggressive monsters as past as possible. As you take damage, eat food to regain your health. Unless you have a really high Prayer level, I wouldn't use your prayer to avoid running out of prayer points when you get to the harder levels, where the more difficult monsters are. Additionally, use the rest option to recharge your run points before running through a dangerous area. Only use the rest option when you are safely between the two doors, otherwise the monsters will attack you and damage you. For a reward, you should get 2k and the "Slap head" emote.

Again, start at the 1, follow the path to the reward (4), and climb down the ladder (2) to get to the next level:

Pit of Pestilence (level 3):
On this level, prayer may be used because when you reach the reward, you get full heath and all of your stats restored. Defense against melee is a very good prayer to use, although prayers that boost your defense level work good too. Turn your prayer on as you run through a dangerous zone, then turn it off when you're safe to avoid losing to many prayer points. Remember, only rest when you're in a safe zone to avoid taking damage from the monsters. Again, just eat food to regain hp when damaged. The reward at this level consists of 5k and the "Idea" emote.

Make your way from number 1, to the reward at number 2, then climb down the ladder at number 3:

Sepulchre of Death (level 4):
This is the final and hardest level. But with prayer, a high Defense level, good armour, and high healing food, you should be able to pass it easily. Your prayer and run are essential to succeeding, so use them wisely. Before running through a dangerous area, try to have at least 80 points of run left, if you don't have enough, take the extra time to rest and regain your run points. For the final level, you get the fighting boots or the fancy boots, based on your choice, and the "stomp" emote.

For the final time, start at 1, follow the path to claim the final reward at 2, then once your done, climb up the ladder to get to Barbairan Village located at the number 3:

When totaled up, the rewards of all the levels consist of: 10k, 4 different emotes, and the fighting or fancy boots.

More guides on the way! Hope this one helped!

Woodcutting Guide

Woodcutting is a slower skill to train, but it can be fairly profitable for nonmembers. If you want to just train Woodcutting, drop the logs that you cut and continue to cut down more trees. If you want to make money, bank the logs that you cut, please note that this usually takes longer to do, resulting in less xp. Additionally, most logs sell for a very little amount of money, given the exception of yew logs, which sell for over 450gp each! Finally, if you want to train Woodcutting and Firemaking, just burn the logs you cut. Included in this guide are images and important information to help you either make loads of cash, or to get your Woodcutting Level up.

Woodcutting Levels 1-15:
If you kept your starter hatchet, which was a bronze one, you will be all set to go, but if you want to train Firemaking simultaneously, you will need to bring a tinderbox. A tinderbox is easily obtained at any General Store for less then 5gp, while a bronze hatchet is given for free when you talk to the Woodcutting Tutor if you lost your old hatchet. Since the iron hatchet requires only a Woodcutting Level of 1, this may be used instead of a bronze hatchet, although this isn't necessary because you gain levels quickly at lower levels. When you achieve Woodcutting Level 6, upgrade to the steel hatchet, or, if you have enough money switch to the black hatchet. For these first few levels, regular trees should be cut. They are common, and these trees are almost every where in RuneScape. Making money by selling these logs isn't recommended, for they sell for around 30gp per log, although there is a good spot to cut them just south of the G.E. (Grand Exchange) and to sell them at the G.E.

Here is one of the many good places to find regular trees:

Woodcutting Levels 15-31:
During this stage in your training, oak trees are the best to chop down. These trees are less common then the normal trees, but they are still fairly abundant compared to other, rarer trees. As you gain Woodcutting Levels, make sure to buy the best hatchet you can use. You should upgrade to the mithril hatchet when you reach level 21, and when you reach level 31, you should obtain an adamant hatchet. Oak trees are common around Draynor Village, as shown on the map below. Additionally, if you are trying to make money, you can quickly bank your cut logs at the Draynor Village Bank. Although this area seems perfect, it isn't. Aggressive Jail Guards (combat level 26) roam this area, and they are dangerous to players under the combat level of 53! If you have a lower combat level then 53, I wouldn't recommend to attempt this method. While the Jail Guards are lower level, they could become annoying, and possibly kill you. As a tip, if you do this method, and your combat level is lower then 53, either bring some good armour as protection, and/or run behind the fences surrounding the jail if you are attacked. This method is mostly for players who are going to try bank their logs quickly, and I will list a safer version: Another area that has a fair amount of oak trees is west of the West Varrock Bank. This is safer then the Draynor Village method, but it is not as efficient. Also, the bank is farther away. Still, this method is highly recommended for lower leveled players to prevent the risk of dying.

The Draynor Village method is more dangerous, but it cuts down on some of the time needed to travel to the bank:

The Varrock method is less dangerous, but the oak trees are farther away from the bank, resulting in less xp because of the longer distance required to travel to the bank and back:

Woodcutting Levels 31-99:
At Woodcutting Level 31, you should be able to use an adamant hatchet. Make sure to buy one, for chopping down willow trees is not recommended if you don't have the adamant hatchet. If you are short on cash, just chop down oak trees for money until you have around 700gp so that you can buy an adamant hatchet at the G.E. As you reach Woodcutting Level 41, buy the best hatchet for nonmembers: the rune hatchet. If you don't have enough money to buy the rune hatchet, chop down oak logs until you have around 7k. Even better, run through the Stronghold of Player Safety to get the 10k as a reward at the end of the maze. Chopping down willow trees is the fastest way to reach Woodcutting Level 99. North of the Crafting Guild, there are 8 willow trees. If you are going to train Firemaking as well as Woodcutting here, there is a straight line clear of obstructions so that you can light all your fires in a row. This area is not crowded at all, unlike the 5 willow trees right by Draynor Bank. If you train Woodcutting by Draynor Bank, it is likely that you will not receive any logs at all, for higher level woodcutters are chopping down the trees and because of there high Woodcutting Level, they will get all the logs. Besides, willow trees are only good for xp, since the they sell for around 20gp each. If you just want to train Woodcutting, drop the logs that you get from the willow trees above the Crafting Guild.

Above the Crafting Guild, there are 8 willow trees that are good for xp:

Woodcutting Levels 80-99:
Because willow trees give faster xp, this method is simply for cash. Yew logs can sell for over 450 gp per log! Usually, yew trees are surrounded with players chopping them down. Overall, the best place to cut down yew trees in south of Falador. The Falador Bank is relatively close by, and there are 3 yew trees to chop down. Additionally, there aren't too many players here. When you get a higher Woodcutting Level, you can go to more crowded places to chop down yew trees. Again, a high Woodcutting Level helps you chop down the yew trees faster, and if your Woodcutting Level is higher then the other people chopping down the yew trees, you will most likely get most of the yew logs. Time also makes a difference when chopping down these rare trees. If you play early in the morning, many other players will be sleeping, and not playing RuneScape. Being on a PvP world helps too, but there is a huge risk associated to it, for you might die and lose your hatchet and/or any other things you are carrying. If you do this, I suggest that you just have your rune hatchet equipped, so if someone else attacks you, you could put on your protect item prayer, which saves your most valuable item if you are skulled. Being skulled means that you will lose every item you have if you die, with the exception of your rune hatchet because you had your protect item prayer on. The protection prayer isn't needed if you aren't skulled, for you will keep your 3 best items if you die.

Overall, just south of Falador is the best place to chop down yew trees due to the 3 yew trees and the relatively close proximity to the Falador Bank:

More guides coming soon! Feel free to comment and ask questions if you have any!

Beginner's Guide

In this guide, you will find out how to become from a poor new player to a rich medium leveled player while training combat skills. Just to let you know, combat skills consist of Attack, Strength, and Defense. Also, your Combat Level depends on how you train your combat skills and other skills like Ranging and Magic. I suggest that you train all of your combat skills equally, so you can easily judge if you can defeat a foe or not.

Combat Levels 3-10:
To save money on food, attack Rats (Combat Level 1) around Lumbridge Castle. Wield your best armour and weapon, and train Defense first so that you don't get hit as much. You can use any bronze armour and weapon you got from tutorial island, but completing the Stronghold of Player Safety is probably the best thing to do. To view my guide on the how to complete the Stronghold of Player Saftey, click here: Stronghold of Player Saftey Guide. The reward for completing the stronghold is 10k and other things; with that 10k, you can buy full iron, an iron scimitar, and a power amulet for under 4-5k! This speeds up your training greatly. With better equipment, you'll get levels faster, so make sure to upgrade. While Rats have no good drops, at this Combat Level the xp (experience) is greatly needed. While training, you can pick up the Mind Runes that spawn to the left of stairway.

Most of the Combat Level 1 Rats are in the first floor of the Lumbridge Castle:

Combat Levels 11-30:
Attack Cows (Combat Level 2) in the Cow Field by Lumbridge with any armour and weapon you have. As you continue to do this, buy the best armour, amulets, and weapons you can use. You can make about 120 GP per Cow because of the cowhides. Bury the bones, pick up the cowhides, and leave the raw meat on the ground. When you have a full inventory of the cowhides, travel back to the Lumbridge Bank. After you bank all your cowhides, run back to the Cow Field. Repeat until Combat Level 21. If the area gets too busy, make sure to world switch. World switching is when you log off of a world, and then log in to another world, usually this is preformed because an area is getting too crowded and the resources are in short supply.

The Cow Field is located on the top right of the map, and the Lumbridge Bank is placed on the third floor of the Lumbridge Castle:

Combat Levels 31-50:
This method is more for money then training, given that you will be attacking Combat Level 8 Cockroach Drones until you can wear full Rune. These are extremely profitable; they can drop things worth over 7,000 gp (7k is the same as 7,000 gp)! Although they do not drop any bones, the extra money that is made from this method can be used to buy bones. Make sure to pick up any weird item that is dropped from them, such as Limpwurt Root or Red Spider's Eggs, for these are used to train Herblore, a member's skill that is used to make potions. Sometimes the Cockroach Drones drop nothing, but most of the time they drop air, water, or fire runes. Occasionally, they drop something rare such as a Diamond or a Limpwurt Root. It is known to walk out with around 50k worth of valuable items! Because of the incredible drops, your inventory becomes full very quickly. When you have a full inventory, you will need to bank at the Edgeville Bank. This method should only be used if you have at least full Mithril Armour, a Mithril Scimitar, and a Power Amulet or an Amulet of Defense. Food is highly recommended, for the Cockroaches can hit up 2 damage commonly on people with a low Defense Level, so a high Defense Level is also good to have. When you have full Adamant amour, food is not always needed, for your Defense Level blocks most of the damage. Additionally, world switching might be necessary because this is a multi-combat zone. A multi-combat zone is an area in which multiple players can team up and both attack one monster together. This can be a problem if there is a higher leveled player attacking the Cockroach Drones. Sometimes, the player might attack your Cockroach Drone just to annoy you. If he gets more hits then you, which he probably will because the player has higher combat skills then you, you will not get the drop of the Cockroach Drone. If this happens, ask nicely for the other player to stop; if he or she doesn't stop, just world switch. Also, make sure just to attack one at a time if you have a low level in Defense. If you try to take on more then one, they are likely to rapidly get 2 damage out of you. To avoid dying or using up too much food just attack one at a time until your Defense Level is high enough to take on more. Finally, make sure to complete the mini quest by talking to the Jail Guard inside the building. It is fairly easy, and can be completed quickly.

The Cockroach Drones are beneath the building on the bottom left of the map, and the Edgeville Bank is directly in the center of the map:

I hope this guide helped! More guides coming soon, and updates are on the way!

Beginner's Information

If you are new to RuneScape, you might want to take a look at this link: RuneScape. Jagex explains many of the weapons, minigames, and skills in RuneScape.


Hi, I am creating this blog to help all those nonmembers in RuneScape. Just to let you know, I do not own RuneScape, nor am I the creator of it. Jagex are the rightful owners and creators of RuneScape.